Terry Kelly has been working with Advanced Technical Concepts (ATC) in Shannon since March 1999.
Terry, a native of Carlow, lives in Shannon and worked as a fitter for ATC. He worked off-site on many occasions with ATC clients and the feedback was always very complimentary.
Prior to joining ATC he was with Helicopter Search and Rescue in the Air Corps. Marie Clifford, ATC’s Managing Director, commented “Terry is an absolute gentleman who always goes the extra mile. He is unassuming and something that not many people know is that Terry’s quick-thinking and skills contributed to the saving of one young boy’s life In August 1972”.
On training courses in Marseille one of the pastimes used for relaxation was a competition on a “Gripometer” machine. The winner in every competition was “Mighty Mouse” Terry Kelly. According to Lt. Tom Croke “few if any could have opened the drain valve using only their hands”. The pilot Lt. Tom Croke commented that had there been any other crew member on duty on 5th August the rescue would not have been possible. Shortly after this rescue a Fuel Jettison system was fitted to all Alouette IIIs.
The crew went on to be awarded the Distinguished Service Medal for this rescue for their combined “teamwork, skill, courage” and for putting their own personal safety second. This was only the second time that such an award was made for home service.